This year we have 8 Chapters that will hold officer elections across the AG Nation at their October meeting.
This is your opportunity to step up and help shape the AG Nation in your region.
You can’t self nominate so have someone do it for you today!
Positions up for election are President, V. President, Secretary and Treasurer.
The Sgt at Arms and Road Captain position will be appointed by the incoming President.
No proxy voting is allowed (medically exempt members can cast their vote by contacting the Chapter Secretary) so if you want to make changes or be a part of something, you will have to show up and cast your vote.
Policy M - Election Policy
Nominations for Chapter Officers will be discussed and received at a regularly scheduled Chapter meeting 30 days prior to the election meeting. Nominations will be accepted after review and approval by the current Chapter BOD based on qualifications. Nominations are for one position only; a member cannot be nominated for a position if they have already accepted a nomination.
All finalized nominations will be passed to the chapter membership fourteen days prior to the election meeting. The date, time and place of the election meeting must be determined and passed to all chapter members at the previous monthly meeting. A majority vote conducted by secret ballot will be utilized to select officers. Chapter officers shall serve a two year term, beginning January 1 following the election.
Chapter Sgt at Arms and Chapter Road Captain will be appointed by the newly elected Chapter President.
Please participate. If you have questions please ask any current Chapter Officer or your Regional Rep.
Chapters up for officer elections are
1) NE37A
2) KS34A
3) MO24A
4) OK46B
5) OK46C
6) TN16A
7) PA2A
8) CT5A